7946581522_f7233274be_zDid you know stress could make your allergies worse?

If you read our blog on how stress affects your allergies, you’ll remember that people who have persistent emotional stress have lowered immunity. This often leads to more frequent allergy flares.

One of the best ways to boost your immunity for allergies is to manage your stress. A few effective practices to relieve stress are meditation, deep breathing, yoga, hiking or other exercise.

Today however, we are going to dive into a powerful technique that will help lower your stress levels and boost your sense of satisfaction in your life and social relationships.

This stress relief practice is called gratitude journaling.

Gratitude journaling is one of the easiest ways you can switch your mindset from one of stress and negativity to abundance and happiness.

Gratitude journaling allows you to be in the present moment and appreciate all that you have within it. While you are in the present moment, the stress associated with future obligations, work, errands, friends and family begin to diminish.

The focus is on what you do have, not what you don’t have. With this practice, you have an opportunity to appreciate all that you have accomplished and what is in your life now.

How to start:

  1. Find a notebook or journal to designate as your “gratitude journal”
  2. Every morning or at night before bed, write down five things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as the roof over your head or something detailed like how your co-worker complimented your outfit.
  3. Commit to this practice every day and after a few weeks you will notice a dramatic shift

According to Greater Good, people who practice gratitude consistently report many benefits, including:

  • Stronger immune system (great for your allergies!) and lower blood pressure
  • More joy, optimism, happiness and positive emotions
  • Feeling less lonely and isolated

Happy journaling!

