15638862320_5f925632b0_z-1Every year, millions of Americans are affected by food allergies.

Sometimes it can be quite obvious you have an allergy to a specific food. You may become itchy, nauseous, have digestive trouble or develop a skin rash within a short time of eating a certain food.

But food allergies may also show up in more subtle ways that we don’t readily notice.

Do you get fatigued or sleepy after your lunch? Do you crash in the middle of the afternoon? We are often quick to write-off these symptoms as “normal,” and common in our everyday life. (“Of course I’m tired! I’m always tired…that’s what happens when you wake up early, work all day and don’t get enough sleep at night.”)

So the symptoms are ignored and another cup of coffee is consumed.

Although getting too little sleep will contribute to sleepiness in the afternoon, this fatigue may also be coming from a food allergy or sensitivity to something in your lunch or snack.

Let’s take a closer look at some common symptoms.

Allergic reactions to food can affect the skin, digestive system and respiratory tract. Reactions can be mild or life threatening (anaphylactic). Symptoms may occur within minutes or several hours of eating the food you may be sensitive to.

Here are some of the mild symptoms that you may experience with food allergies:

  1. Hives (red, swollen, itchy areas of the skin)
  2. Eczema (dry, itchy rash)
  3. Flushed skin or redness around the eyes
  4. Itchy throat, mouth or ears
  5. Nausea or vomiting
  6. Constipation or diarrhea
  7. Stomach pain
  8. Congestion or runny nose
  9. Sneezing
  10. Fatigue or sleepiness after eating a meal

What are some of the most common food allergens?

Here are some of the common food allergens to look out for if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

  1. Milk
  2. Wheat
  3. Eggs
  4. Dairy
  5. Shellfish
  6. Tree nuts
  7. Peanuts
  8. Soy

Many of these foods (or ingredients derived from these foods) are consumed every day, sometimes without us even realizing it! Foods like these are often found in pre-packaged, processed junk food as well.

If you’re eating snacks from vending machines or brightly colored packages from the grocery store, with ingredient lists a mile long, there are more than likely hidden allergens in those foods.

So here’s what you can do.

14700993882_28aa9db95f_zOur first suggestion is to come into Advanced Allergy Solutions for an Initial Allergy Appointment. During your first visit, we will test you for 40 different allergen families to identify what your body is allergic or sensitive to. The second half of the appointment will include your first treatment.

Our treatment reconditions your body to have a positive association to a substance. So, rather than having to avoid dairy, eggs, soy, etc. for the rest of your life, our goal is for you to be able to eat those foods again, or at least have less-severe reactions when they are consumed.

We also recommend a diet based on whole, fresh foods. Eat as many unpackaged and unprocessed foods as possible. Not only will this lessen the chance of an allergic reaction to unknown chemicals and ingredients, eating real food will help boost your immune system and thus boost your immunity for allergies.

You can read more about finding healthy, fresh alternatives to packaged snacks on our blog post here.

