Advanced-Allergy-Solutions is-the-1There are many factors that contribute to your health and wellness. Like this graphic represents, if one piece of the pie is missing, it can be hard to feel and be your absolute best.

In addition to healthy eating, exercising, stress relief practices, supplements, sleep, adequate water intake and treatments Advanced Allergy Solutions, there are a few emotional components of the pie that aren’t talked about as often. Health and wellness isn’t simply about giving up the food you love or spending hours at the gym.

When it comes to our health, there are certain mindsets and habits that do not serve us in positive ways. In this post, we will let you know what those mindsets are and how to release them.

Here are 5 things you should quit to improve your wellness:

1. Guilt

When it comes to health and wellness, it’s good to remember that there aren’t necessarily “good” or “bad” choices. There are better choices that you can make for yourself, but ultimately food is “morally neutral” and shouldn’t be categorized as good or bad. This mindset may help release any guilt you have around food and your diet.

It’s all about balance and moderation. Although we recommend eating healthy, fresh, whole foods, if you want to enjoy your favorite foods or treats from time to time, that’s fine! Just remember to eat mindfully and intuitively and make sure you’re enjoying those foods because they’re fun, not because they’re filling an emotional void. The same goes for exercise and fitness. Yes, it is important to move your body every day, but some days it just doesn’t happen. You’re sick or you simply don’t feel like doing it. So on those days just move your body in ways that you love and that make you feel good.

2. Shame

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to your health and wellness journey. Release any shame you feel toward yourself or others when it comes to food choices and exercise habits. Everyone is an individual and different practices and diets work for different people. Carrying around shame and guilt does not help you to achieve your ultimate state of health and wellness.

3. Comparison

Comparison is the thief of joy. As The Moderation Movement emphasizes, what people publish online is their happiest, shiniest, greatest moments. Comparing yourself to someone’s “highlight reel” is the quickest way to become discouraged. Release the urge to compare your body with someone else’s as well. We are all different, beautiful and unique in our own way. Empower yourself by focusing on and doing what is best for you.

4. Seeking quick fixes and miracle solutions

Real health and true positive change does not come in the form of a quick-fix diet pill, supplement or 10-day “bikini body” exercise plan. It comes from consistent, daily action in making healthier choices. It includes planning and effort, but it’s worth it when you begin to see sustainable change. Let the fads go and find your own version of healthy.

5. Believing you can achieve wellness

You are worth it. Believe in yourself and be proud of the progress you make. Set health and wellness goals that are not appearance related and are based off of how you feel. If you need support with your diet, fitness routine, stress relief, etc., then seek out practitioners, coaches, online or in-person communities to help you.

Give these health and wellness tips a try over the next few weeks and notice the positive changes you feel. Let us know how it is working for you!

(This article is inspired by The Moderation Movement’s beautiful post about “The top 5 things you should quit to improve your wellness.”)

