Almost 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. When spring comes around, many people find themselves with watery eyes, runny noses, sneezing, congestion, fatigue and feeling all-around miserable.

More often than not though, seasonal allergies show up looking like “the common cold.” It’s easy to mistake allergy symptoms for “the cold that doesn’t go away!”

So how can you tell the difference?

 Here are three signs that you suffer from allergies (and not a cold):

  1. Allergies symptoms will show up on a daily basis during this season. If your symptoms have been lasting for longer than a week, you may have hay fever.
  2. Your symptoms include: runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, nose and throat, sneezing and congestion.
  3. Often worse outdoors, however once your histamine spikes from pollen exposure, you may feel bad all day long (“the cold that doesn’t go away”)

You don’t have to suffer through a stuffy nose and sneezing all season! We have four natural ways for you to treat your allergy symptoms.

How Treat Your Symptoms Naturally:

  1. Come in to Advanced Allergy Solutions® for a treatment. Most often during allergy season, we treat patients for pollen, grass or trees.
  2. Eat healthy, non-inflammatory foods. Avoiding refined sugars and grains, alcohol, caffeine, low-quality dairy and processed foods will help keep your immune system strong and make you less susceptible to allergies.
  3. Stay rested. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and get to bed before 10:30pm. This will keep your immune system strong as well.
  4. Manage your stress. People with continual emotional stress have more frequent allergy flares and lowered immunity. Be sure to do things that bring you joy and happiness and try stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga and exercise.

We want you to enjoy the sunny spring weather, so be sure to practice lots of self-care and book your appointment now!


