6 Steps to Reduce Inflammation

6 Steps to Reduce Inflammation

What is inflammation? Have you ever bumped your head, felt pain and saw any redness or swelling? That’s inflammation. It shows that your immune system is reporting for duty and doing its job. Normal inflammation comes and goes, when necessary, and is a sign of a...
Reduce Your Stress with this Simple Practice

Reduce Your Stress with this Simple Practice

Did you know stress could make your allergies worse? If you read our blog on how stress affects your allergies, you’ll remember that people who have persistent emotional stress have lowered immunity. This often leads to more frequent allergy flares. One of the best...
How to Treat Fevers Naturally

How to Treat Fevers Naturally

There has been an increase in childhood asthma around the world, and although it may be because doctors are more easily able to detect it, some medical professionals believe it has to do with a common drug you can find at the store. Dr. John McBride, a pediatric...
How to Have A Healthy 4th of July BBQ!

How to Have A Healthy 4th of July BBQ!

Are you excited for your 4th of July BBQ this weekend? Warm, sunny weather, good food and good company is the recipe for an enjoyable weekend celebration. Speaking of recipes, we have a few tips to keep your snacking, eating and drinking on the healthier side this...
Why You Should Filter Your Water

Why You Should Filter Your Water

Water is essential to your health and at Advanced Allergy Solutions, we always recommend our patients stay hydrated. In fact, if you have been to our clinic, you may have noticed that we always hand you a glass of water before your treatment! But depending on the kind...
The Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics

The Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics

Did you know about 80% percent of our immune system is located in our gut? Our immune system is a reflection of our gut health, so it’s very important to have your belly healthy and running smoothly. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, originator of the GAPS Healing...

Is Stress Affecting Your Allergies?

When we think of allergies, the most obvious culprits that come to mind are airborne allergens, like pollen or dust, animal fur or even different foods. But what if the cause of your allergies was stress? People with persistent emotional stress have a lowered...
Natural Treatments for Childhood Asthma

Natural Treatments for Childhood Asthma

Did you know that asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders of childhood, affecting over 6 million children under the age of 18? In fact, it’s one of the leading causes of missed school days for kids as well. At Advanced Allergy Solutions®, we treat allergies...